Frankline Nyachulue

FP, Kyllä ✅, Kyllä ✅

Sitoudutko edistämään Malmin lentoaseman säilyttämistä ilmailukäytössä valtuustotyössäsi?

It is more of a touristic site if maintained and will of course be a source of income to the municipality as it will be used for commercial purposes. The Malmi airport serves and a noble facility in Finland and despite its closeness to the Vantaa international airports, it serves a clearly different purpose and should be retained

Sitoudutko kannattamaan kunnallisen, neuvoa-antavan kansanäänestyksen järjestämistä, jos lain edellyttämä määrä kuntalaisia kannattaa asiaa?

I will certainly do because I am going in to represent those people you call local residents. I am their voice and we share same views and interests about events and things in our municipality. We will be made councillors but they have a bigger observation on things that can not be ignored during decision making.